With HS Sports
With HS Sports Everybody Wins
Learn more about the many advantages your school or team will receive by joining our network.
Why High Schools should choose us
We Take Care Of
Everyone involved in sports at your school and in your community.
Showcase and manage your team and athletes just like the pros.
Home Court
Everything about your team in one dynamic home. Schedule, news, stats, social media and more.
Home Court
Roster & Schedule
Easily upload your schedule and roster, or transfer this data from MaxPreps, Hudl and more.
Team News Feed
All team news, local media coverage, and social media accounts in one consolidated stream.
Recruitment Tool
Recruitment Tool
Recaps & Highlights
With our content generation system, you’ll have more games covered, recaps written and highlights to share.
Media Galleries
Team and player galleries host team pics, stats, highlights, action photos, candids and more.
Fundraising Center
Fundraising Center
Automated fundraising tools make it easy to reach out to your boosters, alumni, and local businesses.
nigh school
For Communities

We bring athletes, fans, parents, sponsors and media pros together to capture and preserve your local sports legacy.

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The most comprehensive collection of online fundraising tools and strategies for raising funds fast.

Want to be part of the HS Sports Ecosystem?
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