With HS Sports
With HS Sports Everybody Wins
Learn more about the many advantages your school or team will receive by joining our network.
Why High Schools should choose us
We Take Care Of
Everyone involved in sports at your school and in your community.
Individual Schools
Set your school apart with the best looking, most functional high school sports showcase.
Individual Schools
School Home
We make it easy to manage and showcase all of your school’s sports teams and media.
Team Home Courts
Team Home Courts
Each team has its own home for scores, recaps, schedule, news, player pages, and social media streams.
Player Pages
Treat your student athletes like pro sports stars. Give them the showcase they deserve.
Recruitment Tool
Fundraising Center
Fundraising Center
Use the same proven fundraising tools that work for major colleges and universities.
Content Generation
Well make your sports content better. Our revolutionary content generation system is simple and produces awesome results.
Recruitment Tool
Media Education
Media Education
Improve media talent at your school with education program for clubs, classes, or individual student learning.
nigh school
For Communities

We bring athletes, fans, parents, sponsors and media pros together to capture and preserve your local sports legacy.

nigh school

The most comprehensive collection of online fundraising tools and strategies for raising funds fast.

Want to be part of the HS Sports Ecosystem?
Get in touch