With HS Sports
With HS Sports Everybody Wins
Learn more about the many advantages your school or team will receive by joining our network.
Why High Schools should choose us
We Take Care Of
Everyone involved in sports at your school and in your community.
Everything you need to upgrade your school’s athletic program online and off.
School Home Page
All team news and social media streams blend into one feed.
 School Home Page
Complete Control
Fans and players can easily submit game media and team news, but it won't go live until you approve it.
 School Home Page
Fundraising Center
Online Fundraising
Our automated fundraising tools make it easy to reach out to your boosters, alumni and local businesses.
An Affordable Solution
Our system works with every budget, while providing more features and tools.
Affordable Solution
Sports Media Education
Provide your students with an exciting, fun, and affordable way to expand their media and writing skills.
Media Education
nigh school
For Communities

We bring athletes, fans, parents, sponsors and media pros together to capture and preserve your local sports legacy.

nigh school

The most comprehensive collection of online fundraising tools and strategies for raising funds fast.

Want to be part of the HS Sports Ecosystem?
Get in touch