With HS Sports
With HS Sports Everybody Wins
Learn more about the many advantages your school or team will receive by joining our network.
Why High Schools should choose us
We Take Care Of
Everyone involved in sports at your school and in your community.
Athletes get their own pro sports style player page and media gallery.
Dynamic Player Pages
Players can upload or link game highlights, skills videos, stats and news articles to their galleries.
Recruitment Tool
Stats & Leaderboards
Easily review player and team stats, so you’ll always know how you and your team are performing.
Stats & Leaderboards
Recruitment Tool
Share media with college scouts and coaches. With no recruitment site fees or paywalls.
Recruitment Tool
Recruitment Tool
Easy Sharing
Media and team news pages include social media links to make sharing your sports success easier than ever.
nigh school
For Communities

We bring athletes, fans, parents, sponsors and media pros together to capture and preserve your local sports legacy.

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The most comprehensive collection of online fundraising tools and strategies for raising funds fast.

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